How to buy 5 houses within 12 months... with little or none of your money!
Grab your seat to the 2-day FREE Virtual Live Event at The 6-Figure Property Plan
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th September - 9am to 4.30pm
With these hard-won secrets, you can...
  • Make £40,000 profit from ONE house! Thanks to a booming trend that only a handful of investors are using, this amazingly profitable strategy has virtually no competition.
  • Build a property business that pumps out cash without you… so you have the time, freedom and a luxury income to travel the world!
  • Choose one of the five core strategies that consistently make people £100k+ per annum and understand them! And effortlessly dig a moat around your legacy to stop it being destroyed by inheritance tax. This guarantees that your property portfolio protects your family for generations.
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Dear Ambitious Property Investor
For a select group of savvy “in the know” property investors… 2024 is going to be an amazing year to grow a portfolio… and supercharge your passive property income.

In fact, it will be the most profitable year to build a property portfolio since 2009 because you can pick up houses that rent for superb amounts and increase in value massively… if you know where to look. So you could make an extra £10,000, £15,000 or even more on your next deal.

I’d like to make sure you are one of the select group of property investors that make 2024 the year you build a financial fortress that protects your family for generations. 

To do that I’ve created a new breakthrough course called The 6-Figure Property Plan.

And… I’m running this new breakthrough course as a virtual live event on 14th & 15th September and I’d like to give you a FREE ticket!

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Why would I give you a free ticket to a brand new course that shows you the safest way to seize the 2024 property opportunities… and make £20,000 to £100,000 with only 5 houses… and how to get started with little or none of your money?

Because I want to record The 6-Figure Property Plan and sell it later as an online course for £997. I find that the recording is better when I’m delivering the content live to an audience!

My way of thanking you for your help is to give you a FREE ticket to The 6-Figure Property Plan. This means you can join me live for the weekend and save yourself a grand in property training!

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So why am I running it again? And giving away FREE live tickets again?
Full disclosure: I ran The 6-Figure Property Plan before for the same reason. So why am I running it again? And… giving away FREE live tickets again?

Because I’m a perfectionist. Because I want to select the best parts from two live recordings. That means you get a second chance to grab all my property secrets specifically crafted to help you profit in 2024 for FREE.

Don’t miss this second chance to save yourself a grand in property training.

Here are a handful of comments from over 700 delighted property investors who attended The 6-Figure Property Plan previously…
Delivered with high energy, presentation kept me engaged / interested. I made 18 pages of notes so the content was really impressive. Great event and time well spent.
The content was excellent. Love the examples and case studies which bring the points to life. Have to say great energy and enthusiasm from Aran!
The event was so energetic coming from Aran Curry. Topics and discussion did not have any dead air in it as it's all packed with goodies and interesting matters regarding property especially for me who would want to start. Well done!
It is worth its weight in gold.
To join me live on 14th & 15th September to get this “worth it’s weight in gold” 2-day virtual live event FREE, click the link below.

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This will be the best investment you can make in your financial future
If you’ve got plans on 14th & 15th September then you can bag your copy of The 6-Figure Property Plan later for £997 + VAT.

The 6-Figure Property Plan will be the best investment you can make in your financial future. You see, you’ll discover the fastest and safest strategies to make £20,000 to £100,000 with only 5 houses… and how to get started with little or none of your money…

And joining me live is the only way to discover my hard-won property secrets for FREE.

After The 6-Figure Property Plan the only way to seize the most lucrative opportunities in 2024 is to buy the course for £997. So save yourself a grand and click the link below to grab your ticket... and... discover how to buy 5 houses within 12 months... with little or none of your money!

Here's a taste of what you'll learn...
Day 1 - Saturday:
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The 10 skills that virtually guarantee you achieve your wildest and most exciting property dreams
In this session, you’ll discover how to master the 10 skills that virtually guarantee you achieve your wildest and most exciting property goals. You’ll also see that if you’re missing just one or two of these skills, why I can virtually guarantee you will fail to reach even your basic property goals.

You'll also discover...
  • How to build a property portfolio with other people’s time, money and experience
  • How to score yourself in each of the 10 skills so you know where to focus your attention to give yourself the biggest success breakthrough
  • How you draw your personal map from Financial Protection to Financial Freedom. And why the 3 clearly defined steps between these goals make you 20,000 times more likely to succeed. (Proven by Cambridge University research!).
How to seize the coming flood of property and private finance… and buy at rock bottom prices… without spending a penny from your pocket
In this session, you’ll discover my golden rules to buy world class properties. Houses that rent like hotcakes… virtually manage themselves… and grab hold of an overlooked trend that quadruples your profits.

You'll also discover...
  • My proven high-performing system to pinpoint houses that rent like hotcakes with the best cashflow and equity growth since 2009! You could easily make an extra £10,000, £15,000 or even more on your next deal!
  • ​How to become a magnet for private finance and build your property empire with other people’s money!
  • The only way to build a property business that spits out cash without you… so you have the time, freedom and a luxury income to travel the world!
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Tax secrets to legally mitigate the tax you pay and grow your portfolio to four times the profits
In this session, you’ll discover the tax secrets to make your portfolio efficient for income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax. You’ll find out the tax efficient steps that allow you to grow your portfolio faster because you aren’t giving 40% of your profits to the government.

You’ll also discover…
  • The only 2 rules you need to know to make your portfolio tax efficient for income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax
  • Debt is bad, right? Wrong! You’ll discover the difference between good debt and bad debt… and why you want to grab much good debt as possible.
  • How to effortlessly dig a moat around your property legacy to stop it being destroyed by inheritance tax. This guarantees your portfolio will protect your family for generations.
The 5 strategies that professionals use to make £100K+ consistently every year
In this session, you’ll discover the 5 safest strategies to consistently make £100K+ property income every year like clockwork.

You’ll also find out…
  • The best strategy for you based on your available time, savings and experience 
  • The fastest way to replace your salary with property cash flow… without taking crazy risks or creating a second job for yourself.
  • How to avoid the property job trap. When you take these 3 steps you’ll become one of the few investors that enjoy a job replacing passive income. 
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And that’s just the first day!

To discover these hard-won secrets, you need to click the link below to grab your FREE ticket to The 6-Figure Property Plan… and… discover how to buy 5 houses within 12 months… with little or none of your money!

This is the two-day course to do if you are thinking of embarking on a journey into property investing. I wish I had had the benefit of this when I started out - it would have saved me a lot of money and time and I would probably be financially free already. It is only costing you time so just do it.
Fabulous, would highly recommend for tightening up strategy when investing in property rather than randomly hunting around. Extremely useful for maintaining focus on what the end game is i.e. making money rather than letting the head rule the heart
Day 2 - Sunday:
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How to create your compelling future… and light an action fire under your seat!
In this session, you’ll discover how to create a vision of your property success that puts a smile on your face every time you look at it… and what you must do so it motivates you to take action.

You’ll also find out…
  • The easiest way to find 5 hours a week in an already stacked calendar! This has nothing to do with giving up TV or sacrificing time with your family. The bullet-proof protection of your property time lies in this overlooked productivity fountain.
  • The simple process to use the feelings of future success to motivate you today so you’ll want to take the action you need to achieve your wildest and most exciting property goals.
  • The free tool that guarantees you take consistent action to build your property portfolio. Consistency pays. Big time. This overlooked tool will make taking consistent action easy.
The secrets of the millionaire property mind
In this session, you’ll discover the 3 things that you can use to control the quality of your day… every day… regardless of what happens. When you control the quality of your day, you’ll have more fun, make more progress towards your goals and make your profits explode.
You’ll also find out…
  • The simple process to build wealth faster… improve your relationships with your friends and family by changing your beliefs and values.
  • Why running every day, holding your partners hand and watching the sunset will grow your wealth faster than trawling Rightmove for discount deals.
  • ​The 3-step system to take control of your life. I’ve simplified decades of behavioural psychology and the science of success into a simple process that will give your property results a double shot of espresso.
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How to make £40,000 profit from one property
In this session you’ll discover, the booming trend that a handful of property investors are using to make as much as £40,000 or more from ONE house.

You’ll also find out…
  • Why this strategy is on fire, making demand and profits explode!
  • The heads in beds sweet spot that guarantees you grab hold of the fastest growing and most lucrative property trend.
  • The expert company that gives me over £1,000,000 in bookings! Thanks to this company this amazingly profitable investment needs just 5-minutes a week of my time!
Property professionals pay less tax! Here’s how you can too…
In this session, you’ll discover how property professionals take their profits tax efficiently.
You’ll also find out…
  • If you should buy property in your name, in a limited company or a combination of the two.
  • Why Section 24 is not the death of buy-to-let or anything to worry about.
  • ​The 2 foundational principles that make your property portfolio tax efficient for: income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax.
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This will show you how to get started with little or none of your money
As you can see, The 6-Figure Property Plan will give you the fastest and safest strategies to give yourself a £20,000 to £100,000 passive property income with only 5 houses…

And… The 6-Figure Property Plan will show you how to get started with little or none of your money! It will give you the proven step-by-step systems to make 2024 the year you build a portfolio that replaces your salary and leaves a legacy to protect your family for generations.

So, if you’d like to discover these hard-won secrets then you need to click the link below and claim your FREE ticket to The 6-Figure Property Plan.

This event will give you the mindset and skillset to buy 5 houses within 12 months with little or none of your savings…

As you know, I ran The 6-Figure Property Plan earlier in the year. Here’s another handful of comments from the 700 delighted investors…
Highly recommend the time spent. Completely worth it. Thanks for the positivity, greatly appreciated and needed right now. The exercise of asking friends my good qualities was such a wonderful thing too do, thank you. Good luck for the future. Very positive and hopeful to spread the love, and the means to financial security!
It is worth its weight in gold.
Fantastic! I know I probably am over enthusiastic at times but it just reminds me why I decided to go down this wonderful path to freedom! Aran your a genius! Your Team work so hard and deserve real credit! Well done to you all!
It was a brilliant 2-day presentation by Aran packed with very clear and concise information delivered with passion. There is a lot of knowledge to digest as I am a very newbie. I look forward to going through my notes and try to understand it all. Really enjoyed the seminar. Thanks again.
To join me live on 14th & 15th September and get this “worth its weight in gold” 2-day virtual live event for FREE, click the link below.

I’m also going to give you two valuable bonuses for FREE
When you join me live on 14th & 15th September for The 6-Figure Property Plan, I’m also going to give you two valuable bonuses for free as my way of saying thank you for joining me live.
The Property Tax Masterclass
Property professionals pay less tax! Here’s how you can too…
Property Tax Masterclass
The Property Tax Masterclass will show you how to make your property portfolio tax efficient for Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax. You'll find out how to safely and securely set up your tax structures that allow you to grow your portfolio faster because you aren't giving 40% of your profits to the government.

You’ll also discover…
  • How to effortlessly dig a moat around your property legacy to stop it being destroyed by inheritance tax. This guarantees that your property portfolio protects your family for generations.
  • Are you working with the right accountant? This will give you a Yes/No answer… and shows you how to find a specialist property account that can save you a fortune in tax.
The truth about property tax is that there is NOT one single map to navigate through the Section 24 minefield because the perfect solution depends on your situation. At the end of the Property Tax Masterclass you’ll know the most tax efficient way to grow your wealth today.
The Property Coach
My best-selling book!
Property Coach
This book is all about building a property portfolio. It gives you much more than the facts. You see, it explains what you need to know and why. It helps you decide your own goals, make intelligent decisions about your future, and choose whether to do the work yourself or employ other people.
This book walks you through each of the core techniques to become a successful property investor, including…
  • Adopt the right investor mindset for success
  • ​Negotiate a reduced price and leave the vendor happy
  • ​Finance your property with the minimum of your own money
  • ​Refurbish your property to the correct letting standard
  • ​Only buy properties that will rent straight away
  • ​Manage the tenancy efficiently and with ease
The 6-Figure Property Plan is a new course that I’ll sell for £997. Your one and only opportunity to discover these hard-won secrets is to join me on 14th & 15th September!

Click the link below to grab your FREE ticket and discover how to buy 5 houses within 12 months… with little or none of your money!

Testimonial 4
Leave a legacy that protects your family for generations 
I look forward to showing you how to enter the select group of ambitious property investors that make 2024 the year they build a property portfolio that replaces their salary and leaves a legacy that protects their family for generations.
I’ll reveal everything you need to know on Saturday and Sunday 14th & 15th September on the The 6-Figure Property Plan.

To your property success,

Aran Curry
I was completely new to Aran coming into this - I came across your FB ad. Your enthusiasm and integrity were clear, and the advice was generally very specific and solid - the right level of complexity and detail for the purpose.
Aran Curry
Over the last twenty years as well as growing a really successful portfolio for myself and my family, I have helped thousands of people on their property investing journey, through education and done for you services.

  • Over 200 properties in my own portfolio
  • ​Since 2007 have helped our clients and investors to buy over 1,500 properties
  • ​Helped train over 100,000 people per annum on their investment journey over the last eight years
  • ​Author of the best-selling book The Property Coach
14th & 15th September
FREE Virtual Live Event
9am to 4.30pm
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Disclaimer: Results may not be typical nor expected for every person. This is not a 'get rich quick' scheme.